Monday, July 29, 2024

How sacred sites and their agents construct the mediatization of Mary?

This newly published article, which I co-authored with Nurit Stadler, of the department of sociology and social anthropology at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, sheds light on the study of online religious worship and its mediatization, particularly regarding Marian veneration on social media platforms. It has just been added to the "online first" category in the top journal of New Media and Society and may be of interest to anyone curious about the study of Marian movements, visual social media, pilgrimage in the digital age and scholars of online mediatization. You can read the full paper here: 

The image below is taken from the Instagram feed of the Sanctuary of Fátima in Portugal. A central site of pilgrimage for Catholic believers and followers of the Marian movement. Similar postings, alongside ethnographic fieldwork, have fed the study's corpus.